Friday 12 April 2013

I HATE IT WHEN THE BAD DAYS WIN! (With swearing so please be advised)!

So where the hell have i been, well i dont blame you for kicking up a fuss, unfortunately i have been loosing the battle with depression. Well, when i say loosing the battle its more of an annoyance really. Basically I have to take medication for my depression (which I am sure many of you out there have to do too) but basically they just appear to knock me out forever! Dont get me wrong, Im glad Ive got them because they do work! Its just so feckin annoying when you have or want to get up early and they just keep you asleep through all your alarms, phone calls, door name it! Its ridiculous! But again I am glad Ive got them but it doesnt 'alf make you think, Imagine I was back at work? I would have been sacked by now for sleeping in so much. Its not that i need it, i go to bed sensibly, ( a reasonable hour) and try to make sure I get at least 6 - 8 hours sleeps. But these tablets are making me sleep through half the day. What a joke!

So yes this recently has pi**ed me right off! Even missed one of my self esteem sessions  because of them. So annoyed at missing that as they are REALLY GOOD!! but even if i try to think, "Oh well there is still tomorrow" it doesnt seem to help because i feel and look groggy/exhausted for the rest of the day which just makes everything almost impossible to do!

So then I get annoyed at feeling like sh*t, then annoyed for thinking so negatively  then annoyed at being horrible to everyone, then annoyed for being me, and the spiral begins! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!

Anyhow on the good side, we have managed to FINALLY get a video of me on a bad day so you can now see the difference between my ups and downs!

Apologies for this being such a negative post, but its good to get it out and off my chest. So even though its not very positive, its still out of the system!!

So how are all you lot then?? Hope you are keep well!! I still haven't forgotten about the links to 'Better thinking Habits" as mentioned in my very first post, I actually have the links now and shall be placing them up and taling about them in my next post!!

Keep smiling peeps!


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