Sunday 7 April 2013


Jolly morning or afternoon or evening or whatever time you are reading this!! Hope you are feeling well! Yes as you can see from the title im here to talk about exercise and how it really can make a difference in kicking depression right up the a*se!! Remember we are at war now! (With depression!)

Now don't worry, Im not going to say, Join a gym and work out for 14 hours a day so you end up looking  Arnold Schwarzenegger, not that that would be a bad thing, think of the confidence you would have if you were built like him!! You could pretty much take over the world and no-one would attempt to stop you....except maybe the Incredible Hulk! But dont worry, he doesn't actually exist! Anyhow, Im sure you have all heard the sayings, "Exercise is great for releasing tension, exercise and cures depression". Ok maybe not cures depression but it does swing the battle against it (depression) round in your favor. 

Now on a bad day, when things arent exactly going too good, I know exercise isnt the most inviting of things to do...but believe me...just try it! Whether it be a simple walk, jog or if you do have a local gym then honestly go for it! I started exercising about 4 weeks ago and the difference alone i feel in myself is unbelievable! Really it is! But not only does the exercise help to relive stress and anxiety, but if you actually go out for your exercise...then you are out the house with fresh air running across your face and it helps to win the battle of what depression likes to do which is make you want to stay away from everything and everyone! When your out are already stepping in the right direction. And who knows what may happen whilst you are out? You may bump into an old friend, an old flame or even get spotted and next minute be on the front of every magazine in every household. Ok seriously  I know the latter of them points is not likely  but who knows eh? There is more chance of something happening if you go out than just staying in isnt there? Plus it gives you the opportunity to interact with someone too. Go to the shop after a long brisk walk or jog and buy a juice or snack or anything. Reward yourself! (Within reason mind you, that doesnt mean 7 double cheeseburgers!!) But itll keep the mind occupied and as I said earlier, itll get you interacting!  Make it a routine and you'll be feeling fitter, brighter and who knows what else!! 

Im trying to almost sell this but without being too much in your face! So let me think....

Ok right, so you are having a bad day, you are angry, frustrated and want to blow up the world along with everyone in it! So you could do that..but what will that achieve? You'll be back to square one. So take that angry, frustration or whatever bad feeling it is and take it for a walk! User the energy and turn it into something positive! Throw it out whilst you focus on the scenery, your fitness or whatever...just get tell it to naff off!! 

OK, so if you feel like it is difficult to go out, what I started doing was going at night. Thats cool but if you do please make sure you go in a well lit area!!! I also bought a running machine....and no it wasnt £6,0000000, it was just a cheap and cheerful one off ebay! Have you seen how much you can get them for? So then on the bad days when i found it far too difficult to go out, I could still stay focused on my exercise and just run/walk in the corner of the room! And thats what I always stay focused on now...staying, well actually, still getting fit! It really has been an unbelievable improvement in my attitude, my mentality and with the extra bonus of loosing a few pounds! (Yeah thats right i started to er....become slightly addicted to the odd large pizza everyday!!) 

If you can, get a friend, family member or partner to join you on your new goal of exercise! Depression doesnt know whats hit it if you do this. Your exercising, interacting and if you feel comfortable doing this then you can talk to them about how you are feeling! Remember, blow it out and itll do you good! 
But even if you cant get someone to go with you, just do it by yourself!! Thats what I do! My Mrs hates... absolutely detests running.....doesnt stop me though!! 

I always plan to exercise for a minimum  of 6 weeks. Dont ask me why, maybe I read it somewhere but I think its when you actually start to see the physical differences! Now I dont do much in the way of weights or anything...not yet anyway, just wait till I get some weights or that gym membership, whichever of the cheaper options comes first! But anyhow I mostly stick to running and walking. Not only does it release any tension but if i do it in the morning, i feel unbelievably good if not great for the rest of the day!

What have you got to loose though eh? Try it, not just once, give it a go a few times and work it into a routine and then before you know it you'll start feeling and seeing the results!!  

Now if that talk hasnt helped to motivate you then Im afraid Ive fallen to my last weapon of choice which is....WATCH ROCKY 4!  If you watch that film I guarantee you'll want to go for a run/jog or even take up boxing. Its an unbelievable motivational film because basically it is just one long training montage!!

Here is a useful link about exercise and depression from the good old NHS!!

Exercise vs depression with NHS

So yes exercise is not the cure...but a huge key in helping defeat the bad days! But hey if you have any other suggestions or ideas then please, throw them on here, it all helps and remember we are all working together to beat the same thing!! Now lets win this war!!

Enjoy the vid!!

Take care!! 


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