Saturday 30 March 2013

Put a number on it!!


Hello there!! Thank you for dropping by, so how are you today? Bit up? Bit down? Feel sad? Happy? Not too sure? Cant find the words? Would you like a dictionary???

Of course I don't mean to be rude, but I was thinking of what my wife and I do when it comes to try ans explain the mood for the day/hour/etc. Basically, put a number on it! Thats it, ok its not literally "thats it", but believe me, it helps you as well as others around you! They can at least get a small glimpse into how you are feeling without you trying to explain what is going on....think of the time saved as well!!

I always remember trying to think what the other person must be thinking when I'm on a down/bad day. Helpless is the only word that could come to my mind. And then I remember feeling bad for making them feel helpless and then the spiral continues!! But with a number at least then can try to understand what you are going through at that particular time, they may even ask is there anything they can do....which unfortunately there usually isnt. BUT......they still at least know where you are 'on the scale' and they may even try things to help lift you up the scale.
Basically what Im saying is that if you cant find the words, use a number!!

So after reading that last paragraph it almost doesn't make any sense! But at the same time it does so Im going to leave it!!

Anyhow the other thing i was talking/thinking about is a mood diary! Mood diary is a pain...but a good one! You can start to discover triggers as to what is bringing you down, or if certain foods fpr example are making you high/low etc!
I do a mood diary....not everyday ill be honest, but if I have a normal day then i just tick normal but when on a low day then i try and write in detail how I feel, whats annoyed me, whether I'm angry or not, and as I keep saying, although you are only writing about it, it helps to get it off your chest! So if you can, do a mood diary!! Here is a link to a few which you can download and print off.

Mood Diary 1     Mood Diary 2

I just have a very simple one which my wife drew up for me. If you feel this is more for you, then you can use this one! (Im sorry its only a pic, but you can still print it off and write on it!) Anyhow so yes this may help or may not, but there is only one way to find out...try it!! ----------------
(Remember we are going to war with depression!!!)

So yes, ive upload video number 2 which you can watch here:

 (Look quite aggressive actually in that pic dont I! But Im not dont worry! Do rabbit on a bit but thats it!!)

So for now I shall sign off! But hope to see you tomorrow! Hope you are keeping well!! 
And dont forget to stay strong!! Yes it is hard I know, but just remember, lets see what tomorrow brings!!
Remember, we are now at war with depression!!

Keep Smiling! 


Ps. Aplogies for not putting the funny/good video about bad thinking habits and how to break them! I cant find them so i will ask my friend where they are on youtube and place on here for you asap!!

Friday 29 March 2013

Oh hello good morning depression!

Hello, good morning depression!

So hello there! If you have wondered across this then I suppose you have either been surfing the net looking for answers, help or anything to aid you in dealing with depression or maybe help someone you know deal with depression? Or you may have just been looking for a laugh?
either way, Ive decided to write this as I myself have been recently diagnosed with bipolar disorder and Ive decided to not cower away and hide in the dark and gloomy corner, in fact Im doing the opposite! Im going to war with it!

When I first started to feel down I would always look at the internet for answers, never found any, but there were times when the only answer I could see was a permanent one...and not in a good way! (If you catch my drift!!)
I felt so alone, even though I had the most amazing support from my wife, family and friends, but in the darkest of didnt seem to work. I felt bad for being me, bad for being down, bad for causing stress to everyone, basically just generally bad!

BUT WE SHOULDN'T!! We didnt ask for this condition did we? (If we did then it was definitely in the small print) but seriously, I hate my dark days....almost to the point I want to rip my own brain out and slap it across the face to start feeling so down. But obviously...we cant do that! Im rabbiting on again here but anyway Ill cut to the chase...

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Things may be bad....there may be no silver lining but Ive started telling myself,

"LETS JUST SEE WHAT TOMORROW BRINGS" And I like that because you never know what is around the next corner, and if we ever did do something permanent to ourselves, then how are we ever to know? Believe me, i have been there with 'my plan' on how to end it all, but Im so glad I didn't. You wouldn't even be reading this now if I had gone through with it. And that's why I want to write this, to basically say that its nothing to be ashamed of, its not your fault and instead of looking for answers, lets deal with them here!
I cant tell you that tomorrow you are going to win the lottery, or maybe the love of your life is going to turn up....but you never know do you? And thats what I want to do on my face blog, get you thinking what Ive been thinking. "Lets just see what tomorrow brings".

Im also doing a video to accompany this blog so you can see me in person! (

which you can find here...

Would love to here your thoughts, comment etc!

Are you on twitter?? So am I......

Whether Im on a good 'high' day or a low 'bad' day, then Im going to try and write as much as possible on here. Instead of bottling it up, i am blowing it out. Sweeping it from under the carpet and into the air! If people see it, who cares, if they dont like it, who cares! I'm not offending anyone, just hopefully letting other people know that we can beat this!! And we shall!!!

Ive been suffering fro depression all my life but it was only recently that I discovered i was actually bipolar  And dont get me wrong, I dont like the label, but at the same time its made me realise that how horrible life can sometimes seem to be. And on those days I always feel so alone. So if you too are feeling like that, then just remember...YOU ARE NOT!!

Want to rant, then put it on here! I feel communication is the  key word - so go for it! Go on try it! Even if you want to swear!! (Just nothing that will get you investigated by the authorities please!!!)

Another great website to check out is this...

Now, I really am going to go so yes, hopefully see you around, and lets join forces and kick these bad ass issues right where it hurts!!
